Good Nutrition is the Cornerstone of Great Health!

Good Nutrition is the Cornerstone of Great Health!

Good nutrition is crucial because it directly impacts overall health and well-being. Here are some key reasons why good nutrition is important:

  1. Optimal Physical Health: Proper nutrition provides the essential nutrients our bodies need to function efficiently. It supports growth, development, and maintenance of tissues and organs.
  2. Improved Energy and Vitality: A balanced diet fuels our bodies with the energy required for daily activities, exercise, and mental focus.
  3. Healthy Weight Management: Good nutrition helps maintain a healthy weight, reducing the risk of obesity and related health issues.
  4. Disease Prevention: A nutritious diet can lower the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer.
  5. Strengthen Your Immune System: A well-nourished body is better equipped to fight off infections and illnesses.
  6. Mental Well-being: Nutrition plays a role in mental health and emotional balance, influencing mood and cognitive function.
  7. Improved Digestion: Proper nutrition supports a healthy digestive system, promoting better nutrient absorption and waste elimination.
  8. Healthy Skin, Hair, and Nails: Nutrients from a balanced diet contribute to maintaining vibrant skin, strong hair, and healthy nails.
  9. Longevity and Improved Quality of Life: Good nutrition is associated with a longer, healthier life span and enhanced overall quality of life.
  10. Healthy Habits for Life: Establishing good nutritional habits early on can lead to a lifetime of positive health choices.

Overall, good nutrition is the foundation for a healthy and vibrant life. It empowers you to live actively, enjoyably, and with reduced risk of many health problems.

Why Work with a Nutritionist?

Nutritionists aim to assist a person’s journey to reaching optimal health through diet and nutrition.  The addition of Nutritional Medicine (vitamins, minerals and trace elements) may be prescribed to correct imbalances.  The goal is to restore optimum ratios  of all nutrients that are required for day-to-day function.

Llfestyle choices, malabsorption of nutrients as well as metabolic derangements can lead to an imbalance in your nutritional status.  Whatever the reason, deficiencies or imbalance of essential nutrients can cause significant symptoms, or underpin some diseases states. 

However, there is no “one size fits all” diet. Just as we are all different, the way each of us processes foods can differ greatly. The science of epigenetics – which is the things that influence gene expression – is the cutting edge of personalised nutrition.

Our nutritional consultants will assess you as an individual in order to ascertain the specific imbalances and correct them using diet, vitamin and mineral supplements, as well as recommending lifestyle adjustments, for a lasting benefit.  Like with all other therapies, the work is done together with you, so every dietary change and lifestyle adjustment is discussed and possible solutions are explored together! Adding personalised genetics is the next level of nutritional medicine.

It is often underestimated what effect the lack of certain minerals and vitamins can have on behaviour and development of children.  For example, a number of learning problems, such as ADHD, Aspergers Syndrome, Dyslexia, and autism may be significantly connected to digestive dysfunction which can lead to nutritional imbalances.
Once those have been corrected there is usually a marked improvement in the affected peron’s condition.

Eating a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, nuts, seeds and animal proteins allows us to obtain the broadest possible selection of nutrients. But what is right for your best friend or your partner may not be right for you.

Our 21st century eating and lifestyle habits have narrowed down the range of foods in most people’s diets and increased the proportion of simple carbohydrates compared to protein.

A diet high in carbohydrates – especially refined ones – leads to weight gain, elevated cholesterol levels, metabolic syndromediabetes and cardiovascular disease and other related problems. It is also the main culprit for fatigue and the all-too-common “afternoon slump” – the feeling that descends on a great number of people about 1-2 hours after eating lunch, when one feels one must have stimulants to get through the rest of the afternoon – sweet foods and caffeine being the oft – but ill-chosen remedy.

Finding our your genetic predispositions and fine-tuning your diet accordingly can help with issues such as:

  • sleep problems (more about Sleep here)
  • mood swings (read about Stress here)
  • fatigue (more)
  • irritability (more)
  • Weight gain (more)
  • ..and many more. “After all, we are what we eat” !

Working closely together we can identify the problem foods in your diet and devise an eating plan that is appropriate for you. The end result will be an improvement in your general health, reduction of risk factors and more energy.

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